OLLY Happy Hoo-Ha – Vaginal Health & pH Balance



OLLY Happy Hoo-Ha – Supports Vaginal Health & pH Balance – 25 Capsules

How It Works

Happy Hoo-Ha supports a healthy vaginal microbiome with two female-focused strains of Lactobacilli, naturally found in the vaginal tract.*

Lady parts, rejoice. This powerful probiotic blend delivers a clinically-studied dose to ensure a healthy balance of good bacteria and vaginal pH levels. Just the thing for self-care-down-there confidence.

  • 25 Capsules | 25-day Supply
  • blend of Multi-Strain Female-Focused Probiotic


Delivers a clinically-studied dose, 10 Billion CFU, of Lactobacillus spp., the good bacteria that work with your body to help keep your lady parts happy and healthy.*